Investing Ideas


Investing Ideas

« Nous progressons plus vite que le marché »

Juste avant Pâques, la firme suisse Galderma, pure player de la dermatologie, a fait une entrée remarquée à la Bourse suisse. Son CEO, le Dr Flemming Ørnskov, a répondu aux questions de Swissquote Magazine.

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Investing Ideas

L’Asie, l’eldorado des marques de beauté

Toute l’industrie de la beauté a les yeux rivés sur l’Asie, à la fois source d’inspiration avec la Corée du Sud et marché en pleine expansion notamment en Chine et en Inde.

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Investing Ideas

La beauté, un business loin d’être cosmétique

Avec une croissance avoisinant les 5% chaque année, l’industrie mondiale de la beauté éblouit les investisseurs de sa brillante constance. Mais cette linéarité dissimule plusieurs révolutions à l’œuvre dans le secteur.

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Investing Ideas

Menace sur la recherche suisse

La science helvétique régate au plus haut niveau mondial. Mais tant les milieux académiques qu’économiques redoutent un déclassement si les budgets ne sont pas revus à la hausse et si un accord n’est pas trouvé pour se rapprocher de l’Europe. Explications.


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Investing Ideas

Interview : Joël Mesot, président de l’EPFZ

Créée en 1855, l’École polytechnique fédérale de Zurich (EPFZ) est devenue une référence mondiale. Une place enviée que son président, le physicien Joël Mesot, entend défendre par tous les moyens. Interview.


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Interview Martin Vetterli

Investing Ideas

Interview : Martin Vetterli, président de l’EPFL

Martin Vetterli, le président de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), s’inquiète des coupes budgétaires que subit son établissement. Interview.


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Investing Ideas

3 cas d’école

L’exclusion de la Suisse des programmes européens a des conséquences très concrètes sur la recherche et la formation. Exemples.


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Investing Ideas

Investir de manière durable : mode d’emploi

Par leurs placements, les investisseurs peuvent contribuer à guérir la planète. Revue des options disponibles.


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change the world_header

Investing Ideas

Et si on changeait le monde ?

Par leurs placements, les investisseurs peuvent contribuer à guérir la planète. C’est la promesse des investissements dits responsables. Malgré un ralentissement en 2022 et 2023, ces derniers devraient vite rebondir pour atteindre 200’000 milliards de dollars en 2030, soit quatre fois plus qu’aujourd’hui. Mirage pour les uns, miracle pour les autres, la finance durable suscite des débats enflammés. Mais le pire serait probablement de rester les bras croisés.

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Investing Ideas

Le bric-à-brac des critères ESG

En matière de critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance, les notes attribuées par les agences de notation restent difficiles à utiliser pour les investisseurs privés. Explications.


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Market mood dissected by AI

Investing Ideas

L’humeur des marchés disséquée par l’IA

Les progrès de l’intelligence artificielle permettent une analyse toujours plus fine du sentiment de marché afin d’anticiper l’évolution des cours. De quoi ringardiser les indicateurs économiques traditionnels ? Les experts répondent.

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Interview: Richard Peterson, CEO of MarketPsych

Investing Ideas

Interview : Richard Peterson, CEO de Marketpsych

L’Américain Richard Peterson est le fondateur et CEO de Marketpsych, une entreprise à la pointe dans l’analyse du sentiment de marché au moyen de l’IA. Interview.


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An influx of innovative indicators

Investing Ideas

Une profusion d’indicateurs innovants

Au-delà du sentiment de marché, l’IA permet d’extraire toujours plus de données utiles aux investisseurs. Transactions par cartes de crédit, imagerie satellite, recherches sur internet ou géolocalisation, tout est passé au crible par les machines.

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Investing Ideas

La biométrie s’impose au doigt et à l’œil

Le marché global de la biométrie devrait tripler au cours des prochaines années pour atteindre près de 150 milliards de dollars en 2030. Un essor qui suscite l’enthousiasme autant qu’il inquiète.

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Investing Ideas

« Il n’existe pas de technologie infaillible »

Réputée ultra-fiable, la biométrie n’est pourtant pas sans faiblesses. À l’Idiap, un institut de recherche basé à Martigny, les chercheurs testent la sécurité des dispositifs biométriques et tentent d’en rehausser la sécurité.

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Investing Ideas

L’espace, cet univers impitoyable

L’économie spatiale pourrait dépasser la barre symbolique des 1000 milliards de dollars à l’horizon 2030, soit deux fois plus qu’aujourd’hui. Pourtant, la plupart des acteurs du secteur sont malmenés en Bourse. Le moment d’investir ?

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Investing Ideas

« Nous sommes la seule firme suisse opérant des satellites »

Fer de lance du New Space suisse, la société vaudoise Astrocast ambitionne de se faire une place au soleil dans le marché en pleine expansion de l’Internet des objets. Son CEO, Fabien Jordan, nous a accordé une interview.

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Investing Ideas

« L’espace doit profiter à tout le monde »

Directrice exécutive de l’EPFL Space Center, Emmanuelle David suit avec attention le développement du New Space. Entre fascination et inquiétude, elle insiste sur le fait que cette industrie naissante se doit de devenir une activité durable.

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Investing Ideas

Le monde accro au plastique

La consommation de plastique dans le monde aura triplé d’ici à 2060, si rien n’est fait pour contenir la boulimie actuelle. Et même dans le meilleur des cas, les volumes produits devraient presque doubler.

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Investing Ideas

La difficile équation du recyclage

Moins de 10% des plastiques sont actuellement recyclés dans le monde. De nombreux obstacles restent à surmonter pour élever ce taux.

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Investing Ideas

Fantastiques, les bioplastiques ?

Souvent présentés comme une alternative écologique aux plastiques traditionnels, les biopolymères ne sont pas toujours aussi vertueux qu’on le pense. L’appellation cache en effet des réalités très diverses. Explications.

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Investing Ideas

Diabète, un fléau mondial qui rapporte gros

Porté par l’augmentation du nombre de malades, le marché global du diabète, qui s’élève aujourd’hui à 120 milliards de dollars, devrait atteindre près de 320 milliards en 2030.

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Investing Ideas

La digitalisation à la rescousse

La démocratisation des capteurs de glucose en continu, des pompes à insuline et des systèmes en boucle fermée améliore grandement la qualité de vie des patients.

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Investing Ideas

Des antidiabétiques qui font fondre

Une nouvelle classe de médicaments contre le diabète de type 2 provoque des pertes de poids très importantes.

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Investing Ideas

"Moderna is more than just the COVID vaccine"

As sales decline for its messenger RNA Covid vaccine, US biotech Moderna is ramping up its non-COVID work. For CEO Stéphane Bancel, mRNA technology has a compelling future well beyond the pandemic.

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Investing Ideas

2023: Tech strikes back

Tech stocks plunged dramatically in 2022. Time for investors to take a closer look.



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Investing Ideas

15 Tech companies with bright futures

A point in common among the firms in our selection is that their share price has fallen sharply in 2022, sometimes contrary to economic logic. But they also share a solid business model and a proven track record.

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Investing Ideas

"The fall in our share price didn't really worry me"

Logitech CEO Bracken Darrell, at the helm of the company for 10 years, outlines the future options the Swiss company is exploring.

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Goodbye growth

Investing Ideas

Goodbye growth

The US Federal Reserve has shaken up the markets by making several interest rate hikes since the start of the year to combat inflation. The dollar is soaring, while the euro and sterling have declined. The threat of recession looms.

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Article franc

Investing Ideas

Who’s afraid of the strong swiss franc? Not swiss firms...

As the euro nosedives, Switzerland’s national currency is holding strong. And without any complaints from Swiss industry. At least not yet.

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Forex is heating up

Investing Ideas

The forex market is heating up

The current fluctuations in the currency market are piquing interest from traders. We provide an overview of the main investment strategies.

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Investing Ideas

Batteries powering the world

An essential link in the energy transition, the battery industry is booming. The sector is expected to generate more than $300 billion a year by 2030, three times more than today.

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Investing Ideas

The race to build gigafactories has begun

Over the long term, small caps perform better than large firms on the stock market. We take a closer look...

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Investing Ideas

Today’ companies powered by batteries

The global battery business is dominated by Asian firms. But a handful of US and European companies are trying to carve out a spot for themselves by putting innovation first. Here is an overview...

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Investing Ideas

Small in size but not in strength

The battery market is dominated by Asia, which accounts for more than 85% of global production, but Europe is hustling to make up for lost time.

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Investing Ideas

Big profits from small companies

Small cap companies have their own unique characteristics. Here are seven tips for profitable investments.

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Investing Ideas

“Being listed is a sign of a serious player”

French small cap genOway’s market performance has been turbulent since its IPO. Its CEO and founder Alexandre Fraichard explains.

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Investing Ideas

A brutal come-down expected for Europe

The war in Ukraine will have lasting effects on the global economy – how extensive those effects will be is currently unknown. While markets have returned to their pre-crisis levels, the shadow of stagflation weighs heavily on Europe.

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Investing Ideas

The energy transition accelerates

The supply of raw materials in Europe is going to radically change. Explanations from Clive Burstow, a mining industry specialist at Barings

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Investing Ideas

Vetropack, a factory under siege

The Ukrainian site of the Swiss glass packaging manufacturer has been heavily damaged in the war. Johann Reiter, CEO of the group, granted us an interview.

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Investing Ideas

Swiss companies facing the war

The economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine vary for Swiss companies. Here is an overview...

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Investing Ideas

Investing in Femtech

While still considered a niche market for most investors, technologies associated with women’s health affect half the global population... A good reason to invest.

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Investing Ideas

The weight of taboos

The subjects covered by femtechs are subject to censure from web giants, which are particularly puritanical when it comes to women's health.

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Investing Ideas

Innovation to the rescue

For More and more women’s health tech companies are traded on the stock market. Here is our selection.

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Investing Ideas

"Switzerland can become a leader in femtech"

Tech4Eva, a startup accelerator programme focused on women’s health, has supported 30 companies in raising 60 million Swiss francs. Interview with its director Lan Zuo Gillet.

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Investing Ideas

A data-driven market


Femtechs use the data they collect to develop ever more innovative services for women. But the buying and selling of such private information for commercial value is cause for concern.

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Investing Ideas

Excitement is building


Financial markets have been hitting one record after another over the past few months. Will the stock market marathon continue in 2022? Analysts are more divided than ever. We take a closer look.

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Investing Ideas

"The virus has accelerated current trends"

Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York University Stern School of Business, breaks down the major trends that will affect markets in 2022 and investment opportunities. Find out more in this interview.

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Investing Ideas

Top 25 firms to watch

For Swissquote Magazine, several analysts agreed to reveal their favourite stocks for 2022. The selection is obviously subjective, but investors should watch closely all the same.

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Investing Ideas

Music, a beaming industry

Now that concerts are back on and streaming continues to attract more users, 2022 is shaping up to be a record year for the music industry. That’s a tremendous turnaround for a sector that was languishing just 10 years ago.

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Investing Ideas

The companies setting the tempo


After years of sluggishness, the music industry has returned to growth. A turnaround that benefits many companies. Our selection.


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Investing Ideas

"It’s important to talk about money"

With an international career spanning 40 years, the Swiss singer has experienced the music industry revolution from the inside. He therefore understands all its inner workings. In this interview, he speaks openly and honestly with Swissquote Magazine.

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Investing Ideas

"Technology is essential for managing artists"

The music industry insurgent Believe wants to wield its expertise in algorithms to compete against record company majors. We interviewed the young label’s CEO, Denis Ladegaillerie.

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Investing Ideas

The $500 billion business of sleep


Sleep is becoming a major concern as our society grows ever more tired. Now a myriad of tech companies are launching apps and connected objects that promise to bring us more restful nights.

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Investing Ideas

Companies that want to put us to sleep

A plethora of companies share the lucrative sleep market and interest in the sector is growing from a number of tech firms. Here is our selection.

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Investing Ideas

"We want to become a world leader"

Specialising in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea, the Belgian medtech startup Nyxoah made a stunning entry on the Nasdaq in July of this year. We interview its CEO, Olivier Taelman.

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Investing Ideas

Digital Awakening in the Old Continent

Lagging behind in digital technology, Europe became fully aware of its dependence on US and Asian digital tech firms during the pandemic. It’s time for revolt.

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Investing Ideas

25 high-potential European startups

In these days when digital technology is taking over the world, Europe can no longer depend on turnkey services provided by the United States. And its companies are ready to step up to the challenge. Here is our selection.

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Investing Ideas

Can deep tech companies rescue europe?

Europe is in a strong position to develop the digital technologies of the future. But it will have to protect the startups that create them.

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Investing Ideas

"Europe can catch up"


Alexandre Pauchard, the new CEO of CSEM (Swiss Centre for Electronics and Microengineering), shares his perspective on the Old Continent’s weaknesses in digital technology, while being optimistic about the future.

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Investing Ideas

Blue gold, the new el dorado


Due to a strong increase in global demand combined with limited resources, the water market has a bright future ahead of it. Currently worth more than $800 billion, the sector is expected to grow by at least 6% per year.

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Investing Ideas

Intriguing companies in the water industry

The water market is in the hands of various companies active in very different industries, including building infrastructure, micro-pollutant detection and wastewater treatment. We take a closer look at them.

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Investing Ideas

«By putting a price on water, we give it value»

Is betting on the value of water on the stock market ethical and wise? Mike Young, the man behind the concept, explains.

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Investing Ideas

Desalination: drinking seawater


Removing salt from seawater to combat water scarcity is one solution that is gaining traction. But the technologies involved have serious environmental consequences.

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Investing Ideas

«Colossal investments are planned in the United States»

Boasting longstanding expertise in the water market, Dieter Küffer, senior portfolio manager at Robeco, describes the latest trends in the sector.

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Investing Ideas

The genetics business is booming


The cost to analyse the human genome has plummeted, opening the door to many medical and also
recreational applications. We examine a phenomenon combining science, business and ethics...

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Investing Ideas

Winners of the genome revolution


Offering direct-to-consumer genetic testing, gene therapies, and even incredible IT storage solutions, the DNA business continues to grow. A myriad of companies are taking advantage of it. Here’s an overview.

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Investing Ideas

"Messenger RNA could be used to treat any illness"

As Switzerland approves two COVID‑19 vaccines that use messenger RNA, Steve Pascolo – a researcher at University Hospital Zurich, an industry pioneer and a busy entrepreneur – explains the potential for these new types of therapeutic solutions. Find out more in this interview.

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Investing Ideas

Dividends: time for recovery


After a disappointing year, dividend pay-outs to shareholders are expected to increase in 2021. But the banking industry remains beholden to government decisions.

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Investing Ideas

The five commandments of a good dividend strategy

Over the last 10 years or so, the shares of companies offering high dividend yields have underperformed the market. But by building a selective value portfolio, investors can still come out ahead. We take a closer look.

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Investing Ideas

The Swiss exception

Swiss companies differed from their European neighbours in 2020 with their generous dividends.



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Hydrogen - Article 1

Investing Ideas

Green Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future

With the technology on its way to becoming mature, clean hydrogen investment projects are booming.
And share prices of companies active in this industry are skyrocketing.

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Hydrogen - Article 2

Investing Ideas

“2020 is a Turning Point for Hydrogen”

Oil and gas giants are now investing in the growing hydrogen market. We interview Oliver Bishop, general manager of Shell Hydrogen, a subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch group.

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Hydrogen - Article 3

Investing Ideas

These companies are gassed up and ready to go

Hydrogen producers, electrolyser and fuel-cell manufacturers, energy utilities, automotive and rail manufacturers... The hydrogen market is attracting quite a range of companies. Overview.

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